Izdelki za zasloni in (33)



Ecran led exterieur Pitch de 10mm
Led Tri-Proof (40w – 70w) - Tretji sektor

Led Tri-Proof (40w – 70w) - Tretji sektor

Applications The design and characteristics of the LED tri-proof make it ideal for assemblies in a wide variety of facilities such as factories, warehouses, parking, tunnels, terraces ... as well as places with humidity.


Mampara para Ducha Frontal Summer SUM 310 1 hoja corredera y 1 hoja fija de PROFILTEK. Sistema de montaje rapido. Altura 195 cm y Vidrio de Seguridad Templado de 6mm transparente o arenado bold. SIN GUIA INFERIOR! Mampara Reversible
Komplet za popravilo cevi

Komplet za popravilo cevi

Easy to use, fast and long lasting. Can be used on any type of pipe. Resistant to pressure and temperature. Works in damp conditions.
Zaščitna zaslon za voznike

Zaščitna zaslon za voznike

We have optimal methacrylate protection screens for the division and protection in vehicles against possible virus infections. Whatever the size of the vehicle, the bulkhead is adapted to the width of the vehicle, without the use of tools for its installation, since its system of flange mooring allows its total fixing and immobilisation. In this way, extra hygiene protection is guaranteed within cars, thus allowing more passengers to move within them. Suitable for taxis, VTC, vans, etc. Its design is fully transparent, offering clear visibility between the driver and passengers. Nylon flanges are included. Maintenance and care services: clean with a soft cloth, slightly moistened and with a neutral soap. The use of window cleaners is not recommended as it could damage it. For cleaning, always hold by the base or center. If the piece splinters in a superficial way, just put a little toothpaste on the affected area and rub it with a cloth until the damage disappears.
Profesionalni Čistilec Odlaga - BAN SUN - Enostavno odstranjuje obloge iz stranišč, pip, tuš kabin, ploščic itd...

Profesionalni Čistilec Odlaga - BAN SUN - Enostavno odstranjuje obloge iz stranišč, pip, tuš kabin, ploščic itd...

BAN SUN  es un eficaz limpiador antical profesional con un agradable aroma y formulado para la limpieza e higienización de cuartos de baño en hoteles, restaurantes, camping, etc...
Enkratna medicinska halja - Enkratne halje Dmask so uporabne za vse vrste strokovnjakov

Enkratna medicinska halja - Enkratne halje Dmask so uporabne za vse vrste strokovnjakov

Clásica bata cubretodo de un solo uso. Las batas de uso desechable Dmask son útiles para cualquier tipo de profesional que deba protegerse de agentes externos, empresas de alimentación, o profesionales que trabajen cara al público, así como para el público en general que realicen trabajos que necesiten alguna protección (pintura, aceites, etc.). Compuesta por una doble capa de pp Spunbond+Film impermeable, viene embolsada individualmente. No tiene tallas pues su diseño la hace ajustable para todos los públicos. Características: Sujeción a cintura y cuello. Gran ajuste. Talla Única. Adaptable a cualquier medida. Spunbonded de 30grs. más una lámina de film, que le confiere gran resistencia mecánica y excelente barrera impermeable. Fácil y segura de poner y quitar. No desprende partículas. Repelente del agua. Precauciones: NO utilizar en presencia de fuego. Producto de alta calidad, económico y 100% realizado en la Comunidad Valenciana.
LED razstavni zaslon - LED nosilec cen za izložbo

LED razstavni zaslon - LED nosilec cen za izložbo

Expositor LED para el escaparate. Ideal para inmobiliarias, agencias de viajes,... Las mejores carpetas del mercado, 100% metacrilato óptico, no se amarillenta, ni se encogen por el sol. Son las mejores en calidad/precio. Gran luminosidad, 4500 Lx,. Se sujeta mediante 2 cables tensores por donde pasa la corriente. Baja tensión, no da la corriente si se toca. Puede regular la altura fácilmente sin necesidad de herramientas, tan solo aflojando con los dedos los tornillos, gracias a su apertura imantada. Formatos disponibles: A3, A3, A2 y A1, en varios diseños: gris o negro, en vertical o en horizontal. Iluminadas a una cara, gráfica por ambas. Ahora con un 20% de descuento en las carpetas grises rectas. Podemos personalizar sus carpetas. Tenemos carpeta LED LCD Play, para mostrar tus vídeos, en distintas medidas. Disponemos precio y catálogo para empresas distribuidoras. Preguntar.
LED Vodoodporen Zaslon - PAT-T Serija

LED Vodoodporen Zaslon - PAT-T Serija

La pantalla LED estanca serie PAT-T incorpora componentes de alta fiabilidad, otorgando un gran rendimiento lumínico de 150 lm/W. Esta pantalla LED estanca dispone de gran robustez debido al difusor óptico que incorpora de PC Policarbonato, el cual le confiere un alto grado de protección IK08. La pantalla LED estanca cuenta con un grado de protección IP65, ofreciendo un alto nivel de estanqueidad. Debido a su diseño y sus características, esta pantalla LED estanca es óptima para montajes en una gran variedad de instalaciones. Diseñada específicamente para ofrecer el mejor confort lumínico en zonas de baja altura: zonas diáfanas, pasillos de estanterías, terrazas, parkings, túneles, marquesinas, almacenes… Su difusor de PC Policarbonato con un índice bajo de deslumbramiento le permite adaptarse a las exigencias de cada proyecto. Gran eficiencia lumínica (150lm/W). Protección IP65 con 5 años de garantía. LED Refond + Driver Lifud regulable 1-10V. LED:REFOND Eficiencia LED:180lm/W - 5000K ±5% Eficiencia Sistema Luminoso:Mayor Del 80% DRIVER:LIFUD Alimentación:220-240VAC 50-60Hz Factor De Potencia:0.90 Temperatura De Unión (Tj):Menor De 75°C (Ta Igual A 30°C) CRI:80 Grado De Protección:IP65 Nivel Protección Cierre Óptico:IK08 Vida Útil:Más De 50000h. (LM70 & 30°C) Ópticas Disponibles:120º Regulable:Si (1 - 10Vcc)
Kemični Metalni Varilec

Kemični Metalni Varilec

Cold chemical welder for non-threaded metal pipes and accessories. Fast and clean welding.
Vodoodporen LED zaslon za napajanje in trgovine - Garancija za udobje osvetlitve in trajnost.

Vodoodporen LED zaslon za napajanje in trgovine - Garancija za udobje osvetlitve in trajnost.

La pantalla estanca LED para la industria alimentaria, supermercados y comercios serie PTF, es una pantalla LED tubular con cuerpo de acero inoxidable, diseñada para ambientes exigentes, con un alto nivel de estanqueidad. Con una IP69K y un nivel de protección IK08 es apta ambientes con agua, polvo, humedad y corrosión. Esta pantalla LED estanca ha sido implementa tecnología SMD LED, que le confiere un alto confort lumínico y una uniformidad muy superior. Es una iluminación duradera en zonas de fermentación y limpieza, explotaciones agrícolas, ganaderas y procesamiento de alimentos. LED:Refond SMD 2835 Eficiencia LED:160lm/W - 5000K ±5% Eficiencia Sistema Luminoso:Mayor del 80% Alimentación:100-240VAC 50-60Hz Grado de protección:IP69K Vida Útil:Más De 50000h. (LM70 & 30°C) Ópticas Disponibles:120°
Tublasti LED zaslon Serija PTF - LED osvetlitvena moč in oblikovanje

Tublasti LED zaslon Serija PTF - LED osvetlitvena moč in oblikovanje

Guarantee of light comfort and durability The PTF series LED tubular display is a luminaire with a steel body stainless, designed to withstand demanding environments, with a high level of tightness and an IP69K rating, an K08 protection level It works in environments with water, dust, moisture and corrosion. It implements SMD LED technology, wich through its specialized lens, allows you confers high light comfort and a uniformity far superior to the desig conventional LED. It is a lasting lighting in fermentation zones and cleaning, farms, livestock and food processing. LED:Refond SMD 2835 LED Efficiency:160lm/W - 5000K ±5% Efficiency Sys. Brigh:Greater Than 80% DRIVER:PHILIPS Xitanium Voltage:100-240VAC 50-60Hz Power Factor:Greater Than 0.90 Union Temperature (Tj):Less Than 75°C (Ta Equal To 3°C) CRI:80 Degree Of Protection:IP69k Optical Protection Level:IK08 Lifetime:More Than 50000h. (LM70 & 30°C) Optics:120º
PVC 7000

PVC 7000

Solvent cement for rigid PVC pipes in pressure systems. Suitable for use in drinking water systems. THF-free. 2 year shelf life.
Zaščitna zaslon za pult - Zaščitni zasloni iz metakrilata

Zaščitna zaslon za pult - Zaščitni zasloni iz metakrilata

Protection screens made of methacrylate, optimal for division and protection against possible infections. Its use is suitable for public spaces such as banks, consultancies, notaries, etc., as well as for businesses with attention to the public, since its design allows the flow of money or documents on both sides. It is fully transparent, thus offering glass-like optical visibility. In addition, it allows to adapt to any type of surface without the need to use tools for its assembly. Maintenance and care services: clean with a soft cloth, slightly moistened and with a neutral soap. The use of window cleaners is not recommended as it could damage it. For cleaning, always hold by the base or center. If the piece splinters in a superficial way, just put a little toothpaste on the affected area and rub it with a cloth until the damage disappears. “Vinyl safety distance as a complement available”
Zaščitni zasloni iz kaljenega stekla - Zaščitni zaslon iz 6 mm visoko odpornega kaljenega stekla

Zaščitni zasloni iz kaljenega stekla - Zaščitni zaslon iz 6 mm visoko odpornega kaljenega stekla

Protective screen made of 6 mm high resistance tempered glass, in case of breakage it does not atomize into small pieces like conventional glass. Specially designed for division and protection against possible contagion. Its design and hardness make it perfect for the hygienic separation of public places; such as boutiques, restaurants, notaries, etc., as well as for shops with attention to the public, since its design allows the flow of money or documents from both sides. Made of glass, it offers unmatched visibility, great scratch resistance and therefore high durability in good conditions; its hygiene and ease of cleaning is one of its strong points. Delivery time approx. 48 h. Possibility of delivery in 24 hours.


Solvent cement for pipes and accessories in installations exposed to moderate pressure (PN10), drainage systems, guttering and other non-pressure systems. Suitable for use in drinking water systems. THF-free. 2 year shelf life. Thixotropic.
PVC Takoj

PVC Takoj

Blue gel solvent cement for rigid and flexible PVC pipes in pressure systems. Also suitable for use on ABS. Popular in the swimming pool market. VERY FAST CURING.
Dvo-komponentna Epoksidna Pasta

Dvo-komponentna Epoksidna Pasta

For the repair of all types of pipes, such as copper steel PVC, etc. Concentric or two separate components.
Profesionalni Odtok za Cevi

Profesionalni Odtok za Cevi

Professional liquid pipe unblocker. Rapidly eliminates impurities and residues in tubes and drains. High sulphuric acid content, 98%. Complies with REACH requirements. Registered exposure limit (for use as a pipe unblocker).
PVC gel

PVC gel

Solvent cement for rigid PVC pipes and accessories of all diameters in pressure and waste systems. High gap-fill capacity. Does not drip. Does not contain THF.
PVC Pegafor

PVC Pegafor

Solvent cement for rigid PVC pipes in pressure systems. CE marked. 2 year shelf life. Thixotropic.
Čistilo za PVC

Čistilo za PVC

Solvent cleaner for PVC pipes and fittings
Pe Čistilo

Pe Čistilo

Cleaning solvent for use in welded joints in polyethelyene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polybutene (PB) and Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) pipes.
Tesnilo za navoje

Tesnilo za navoje

Liquid PTFE sealant for threaded metal accessories. Certified for use in gas installations, according to UNE EN 751-1. Suitable for use in drinking water systems
PVC Uneplas

PVC Uneplas

Solvent cement for rigid PVC pipes and accessories in pressure systems. 2 year shelf life. Thixotropic
Obnovitelj emajla

Obnovitelj emajla

For covering chips in bath tubs, sinks, electrical household appliances, etc. Does not yellow
PVC Nova Doba

PVC Nova Doba

New generation solvent cement for rigid PVC pipes in pressure systems. Suitable for use in drinking water systems. THF-free. 2 year shelf life. Thixotropic.
PVC Express

PVC Express

Extra fast solvent cement for PVC joints and profiles. Also suitable for use on ABS. Can also be used on PVC pipes and accessories.
LED zaslon Cvećarstvo - Visoka učinkovitost in intenzivnost za cvećarstvo

LED zaslon Cvećarstvo - Visoka učinkovitost in intenzivnost za cvećarstvo

La pantalla LED AGRO-S emite poco calor, lo que permite instalarla más cerca de las plantas. El espectro P18 usado en floricultura produce una germinación rápida e impulsa un mejor resultado vegetativo y de floración. Contiene un poco de verde, beneficioso para la calidad de las flores. El espectro P11 maximiza las luces rojas y azules mejorando la absorción de clorofila A y B con un equilibrio de longitudes de onda verde que permite una penetración mucho más profunda del dosel. El espectro P60 ofrece una iluminación artificial similar a la curva espectral de la luz solar (CRI 97). El Pantalla LED para el cultivo AGRO-S está especialmente diseñada para adaptarse a una gran variedad de estilos de plantación. • Diseño lineal con una superficie plana, fina y delgada. • Peso ligero para un envío rápido y una instalación cómoda. • Nivel de estanqueidad IP65, con 5 años de garantía. LED:Shineon / Nichia + Prolight / Seoul Alimentación:100-277VAC 50-60Hz Grado de Protección:IP65 Ópticas disponibles:120° Espectro:P11 / P18 / P60
Prilagodljiv zaščitni zaslon ali maska za obraz

Prilagodljiv zaščitni zaslon ali maska za obraz

Face shield customizable, very light. Includes protective foam for a correct fit. Customizable in its front area for good visibility without limiting the field of view. Sanitized with Ultraviolet Light Oven. Efficient protection against potential contaminants such as body fluids or harmful splashes. Its design allows the use of comfortable glasses. Perfect as an epi supplement. Easy elastic adjustment with foam protection for the front. Antistatic treatment to prevent dust attraction. Individually sealed packaging. Customizable on your front